Meteen naar de inhoud

Authentic Italian Holiday house

Perfect for families | large, airy living space

Casa Adiacenze is an typical Italian family house immersed in the hills of Mombaroccio overlooking the olive trees and a glimpse of the Adriatic Sea. It offers two bedrooms with kingsize boxsprings and an bathroom.
A large living room and portico are there to enjoy your home coked meals!

The garden is huge, over 4 acres to explore! There are olive trees with nice seatings to enjoy a good glass of wine.

Easy living

Be a local, stay like a local.

Let Villa Montemarino provide you with the same comfort as in there Villa. Its possible to book the same extra services as whine tastings, a private chef on your request or private yoga sessies!


Free wifi

24-hour service


Request availability

by sending us an email:
or give us a call!

Ruben Hilberts

T NL: (0031) 626873736
T IT :(0039) 333 3835049

Hugo Schurink

T: (0031) 620900890

Have Questions?
We have the answers.

Can I already book Villa Montemarino or Casa Adiacenze?

Casa Adiacenze is ready to book! Villa Montemarino will be from 2023…
Give us a call or send us an email!

I want more information

stay in touch with us! the site and our business is still onder construction

When can I cancel a booking?

our termes will be available soon